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El Salvador - Political Flags - Part II

Last modified: 2015-03-07 by zoltán horváth
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See also:

PAN - Partido Acción Nacional

image by Ivan Sache, 16 March 2003

Based on image from <>. This party took part in 2003 elections.
Fred Drews, 14 March 2003

Partido Acción Popular

image by Ivan Sache, 16 March 2003

Based on image from <>. This party took part in 2003 elections.
Fred Drews, 14 March 2003

Partido Convergencia Democratica

image by Fred Drews, 03 March 2015

Improved Flag of Convergencia Democrática.
Fred Drews, 03 March 2015

PCS - Partido Comunista Salvadoreño

image by Fred Drews, 04 March 2015

Flag of PCS - Partido Comunista Salvadoreño.
Fred Drews, 04 March 2015

PCN - Partido de Concertación Nacional

image by Zoltan Horvath, 11 March 2014

"The Partido de Concertación Nacional (National Coalition Party) is a conservative party established on September 30, 1961 and until 2011 it was known as the Partido de Conciliación Nacional, PCN). It was the most powerful political party in the country during the 1960s and 1970s, and was closely associated with the Salvadorean military. All the Presidents from 1962 onwards, until the 1979 coup d'etat were from this political party. After the 1979 revolution the party declined in influence but continued to exist. Today, it is considered relatively minor as compared with the two major organizations,ARENA and the FMLN. With none of these two parties holding a majority, PCN can be seen as holding the balance of power. However, it usually sides with the conservative ARENA party.
While the party was technically to be disbanded after the 2004 election, in which its candidate did not gather the necessary 3% of the vote, it was allowed to hold onto its registration by Decree; this Decree was declared unconstitutional on 30 April 2011, and the party was thus disbanded. The party was de facto re-established, registering with the Supreme Electoral Tribunal as the National Coalition ('Concertación Nacional', CN) in September 20, 2011 (after two rulings from the Tribunal Superior de Justicia and one by the Tribunal Supremo Electoral ratifying th existence of the party. After one year, it added the word 'Partido' ("party") to its full name, which allowed it
to again use the traditional acronym PCN".
Sources: , ,   and

The party's flag (post 2011 refoundation) is currently a blue horizontal flag with the logo in the middle as seen here.
For additional information go to PCN (official website) 
Esteban Rivera, 09 March 2014

Other version:

image by Fred Drews, 04 March 2015

Other version of flag, PCN Partido de Concertación Nacional.
Fred Drews, 04 March 2015

PCN - Partido de Conciliacion Nacional

image by Fred Drews, 12 March 2006

See also another (and a bit different) image from <>. This party took part in 2003 elections.
Fred Drews, 14 March 2003

See also desk flag and logo at <>.
Dov Gutterman, 7 November 2004

PD - Partido Democrata

image by Fred Drews, 04 March 2015

Improved Flag of PD Partido Demócrata.
Fred Drews, 04 March 2015

PDC - Partido Democrata Cristiano

image by Fred Drews, 12 March 2006

image by Fred Drews, 04 March 2015

Based on image from <>. This party took part in 2003 elections.
Fred Drews, 14 March 2003

Improved Flag of PDC Partido Demócrata Cristiano.
Fred Drews, 04 March 2015

PLD - Partido Liberal Democratico

image by Fred Drews,  03 March 2015

Improved PLD Partido Liberal Democrático.
Fred Drews, 03 March 2015

PNL - Partido Nacional Liberal

image from <>

There are presidential elections in El Salvador this month on the 21st, and there are only 6 parties participating of which only one is a new party.
Fred Drews, 3 March 2004

"El Diario de Hoy", 7 October 2007, has an article on the next elections (2009); on the electronic edition, there is a small, clickable photography, on which the flag of the PLN can be seen on a wall. The flag shown there is fairly similar to the one above, but the name of the party, written on the bottom of the flag, and its acronym, written in upper hoist, are yellow instead of white. The plant shown in the yellow field of the flag, probably maize, seems to be less stylized on the real flag than on the graphic shown above.
Source: <>.
Ivan Sache, 8 October 2007

Partido Popular

image by Fred Drews, 15 August 2014

PPR - Partido Popular Republicano

image by Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

This party took part in 2003 elections.
Fred Drews, 14 March 2003

Improved flag of PPR Partido Liberal Republicano.
Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

PPL - Partido Popular Laborista

image by Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

Improved flag of PPL Partido Popular Laborista.
Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

PSD - Partido Social Democrata

image by Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

image by Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

Two versions of flag - PSD Partido Social Demócrata.
Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

Previously Reported Flag:

image from <>.

This party took part in 2003 elections.
Fred Drews, 14 March 2003

Partido Salvadoreño Progresista

image by Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

Other version of flag, PSP Patido Salvadoreño Progresista. This version is used as a simplified version.
Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

Previously Reported Flag:

image by Fred Drews, 15 August 2014

The PSP, established in 2011, was officially registered for the 2014 presidential elections on 18 October 2013 by the Electoral Supreme Court. The ticket for the election is composed of the retired Lieutenant Colonel René Rodríguez Hurtado (b. 1952) and of Adriana Bonilla.
The PSP ticket gained 11,314 votes (0.42%) at the first round of the presidential election of 2 February 2014, and could not qualify for the second round.
The flag actually used by the party is made of the rectangular party's emblem framed by a black line and surrounded by a white border.
Ivan Sache, 15 August 2014

USC - Partido Union Social Cristiana

image by Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

Improved Flag of USC Unión Social Cristiana.
Fred Drews, 05 March 2015

Previous version of Partido Renovación Social Cristiana

image from <>, located by Dov Gutterman, 10 March 1999


image by Fred Drews, 14 August 2014

Unidad (Unity) was a coalition of three centrist parties, GANA (Gran Alianza por la Unidad Nacional), PCN (Partido de Concertación Nacional), and PDC (Partido Demócrata Cristiano), established on 5 May 2013 by Elías Antonio Saca (b. 1965; President of the Republic from 2004 to 2009) to support his candidacy at the 2014 presidential election. Saca presented the coalition as an alternative to the two traditional parties, ARENA and FMLN.
The original flag of Unidad featured a portrait of Antonio Saca, three horizontal stripes with the national colours,and the coalition's name. Following a complaint by ARENA and FMLN, the Supreme Court of Justice declared the flag not compliant with the Constitution, because of Saca's portrait. Unidad claimed that the portrait had a generic value and "that it could not be proved with certainty that the portrait was the photo of a specific person". The Electoral Supreme Court subsequently ordered the party "to correct its plans" within 72 hours, without explicitly saying what should be corrected. Antonio Saca promised he would not change the flag, but the portrait was soon removed from the flag. On 2 February 2014, Saca came third, with 11.4% of the votes, at the first round of the election, and could not qualify for the second round. On 27 June 2014, the Supreme Court of Justice declared Saca's candidacy's not compliant with the Constitution, since he should have respected a delay of 10 years since his first tenure.
Sources: - La Página, 19 September 2013 - El Tiempo Latino, 27 June 2014
The party flags officially recognized by the Electoral Supreme Court are shown on the Court's website. THe issue is of significance since the flags are printed on the ballot papers.
Ivan Sache, 14 August 2014